Saschiz is a locality situated in Mureș county, with a population of 1490 inhabitants.


Saschiz (Keisd)

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GPS Coordinates:
46.18904 N, 24.96129 E

Saschiz was first certified in 1308, but the Ghotic style Evangelic church in the market square was built on the foundation of an earlier, XIII century basilica. It was last rebuilt beween 1493-1525. The production of the widely famous "sgraffito cobalt" ceramics started in Saschiz in the 1700s.

Saschiz, sights

Evangelical church The Fortress Saschiz, Evangelical church, Photo: Ferenczi Zoltán Sámuel Saschiz, The Fortress, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban
Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban Saschiz, Photo: Ferenczi Zoltán Sámuel Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Teodorescu Saschiz, Photo: Ferenczi Zoltán Sámuel Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Teodorescu Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban Saschiz, Photo: Liviu Șerbănescu Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban
Saschiz, Photo: Bogdan Bălăban Ceramics from Saschiz

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