Vârșolț is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 1628 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
47.20858 N, 22.91784 E

The name of Vârșolț locality was recorded the first time in 1361, as Varsuch property, and then Jakcs. In the 1400's it belonged to The Drágfys and The Báthorys, and in 1545it belonged to the Hodod stronghold. In 1808 on the Vârșolț owner's list name we encounter The Bornemisszas, The Telekis, The Károlyis and The Toldis.

Vârșolț, sights

Greek catholic, currently Orthodox Church Reformed Church Accumulation lake Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR
Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR Vârșolț , Photo: WR

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