Căuaș is a locality situated in Satu Mare county, with a population of 684 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
47.56660 N, 22.54643 E

The name of Căuaș locality appears for the first time in recorded documents in 1215. In XVII century the locality was desolated and depopulated. The locality repopulation begins in 1718. In XVII century Károlyi became the most important landlord and in XVIII century together with The Károlyis appeared The Bánfys, The Vays și The Kávásis, with important properties.

Căuaș, Sights

Reformed church Orthodox church Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR
Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR Căuaș , Photo: WR

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